missionary melanizzle

missionary melanizzle

Monday, August 24, 2015


I love my mission so far. It's so simple. I started in Mlada Boleslav BAM, directly down the map I was in České Budejovice BAM, now I am back straight up north in Liberec!!!  It's really exciting because this place was only opened up by sisters 4 months ago. Time for some Sister Power! Out of the time I have been here I have noticed there are hills everywhere and I have a feeling I will have some nice legs by the end of this transfer. I am also serving with Sestra Bailey who is THE COOLEST. Every training we would talk and hang out and hope to serve together. She is only one transfer behind me so we are both freshish and ready to make a difference. I also hear she thinks she is black so my ghetto side might be released once again. This transfer will be so much fun, we are going to laugh a ton!

As of the last week of my time in České Budejovice was phenomenal. We had a crazy crazy busy week but those are the best right? Monday we filled up to the brim with lessons and work because we weren't taking our P Day then. Tuesday we had training in Prague and it was so delicious. The APs talked about the language barrier in the work and how to get on that deeper level with people who you can't understand, Sister McConkie spoke about prayer and put us in the shoes of parents/children as she taught, President McConkie spoke about our visions and how visions worked. It was cool because instead of teaching a principle from his mind he taught us about the Czech culture and how one man had a vision and carried it out through the hard times and finally ended up making a huge difference for the Czechs. I can't explain it now nor do I have the time to do so but I cried as he was showing these pictures and telling these stories. I loooove Czechs. All Czechs are good.

We had a successful BBQ again. Listen to my voice recording for more details.
Tha'ts all, I guess. I am in love with this mission. Bring it on Liberec with Sestra Bailey! I'm super excited to go to work here and to tell you all about it.
Enjoy your week! Mam vas rada!
-Sestra Hale

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