What a week. First off, I will probably mention something about the weather all summer because it is SO......SOOOOOOOO hot. I have decided that humidity and I are not ever going to be friends. The change was so drastic too! It was cold at the beginning of last week then BOOM its so hot and the sun is killing us. No worries, the work must go on.
Trainings always happen at the right time. It was the perfect dose we needed after a tough week. We were trained on how to contact when it is inconvenient and awkward. It was tough practicing contacting at a crosswalk. Those are the moments that your creative juices must be flowing because you only have 30 seconds! We were also trained on basically attacking each day and our morning routines. I started to do 10 jumping jacks when I first got up so I could have a good solid prayer in the morning. We are also feeling better because we are working out better in the mornings and we are having more effective studies because we are staying focused and being exact on the time. It's so delicious to start each day. I'm usually excited to get up and start each day.
Then the 4th of July. We decided to have lunch together at this America restaurant place. Joke! It was closed so we went to a pizza place and talked about our favorite 4th of July traditions. What a great holiday! It was fun. Sestra Daugirda's mom sent a package a while ago and in it were glow sticks. Before our companion prayers at night we were throwing the glowsticks in the air making firework noises. Then we went to be 5 minutes later. Go America! OH, ALSO on this wonderful day we were tracting in a village called Vcelna. We ran into a man and what a miracle he was. We will teach him in the future and we are very excited. He is ready to find the truth.
Real quick- on Sunday only 13 people were at church, not including the 6 missionaries. Why? Because it was hot and everyone here claims to have sickness whenever the weather changes. I call it Weather Disease. Literally last minute Sestra Daugirda and I were asked to teach Relief Society so since I was going to teach YW about Patriarchal Blessings I ended up teaching the 3 adult members too! It was a very good lesson and afterward I was talking to a woman and she said to me 'I really want to get my Patriarchal Blessing, I just didn't know how' So that was definitely an inspired moment. I was so happy.
Yesterday we went to Cesky Krumlov again with our Branch President and some others from the branch
. It was so fun! We did the same things as last time except this new mirror maze thing. In which we could not stop laughing through. I witnessed Vasyl and Starsi Lanham run straight into a mirror. It was hilarious!
Lastly I love you all aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand I love the scriptures aaaaaaaaaand I love how true the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is aaaaaaaaaaaand I am grateful to be a missionary in České Budějovice.
p.s. That family that I was concerned about last week? they are better than ever now. We did FHE (Family Home Evening) at their home last night and had a blast and we are going over again to day to watch a Bible Video with them. We are excited :) We love them!
MÁM VÁS RADA!!!!!!!! není vtip!
-Sestra Hale
p.s. Fun Fact: America is 239 years old. The city we are serving in, Ceske Budejovice, is celebrating 750 years of being a city. Little baby America!
This picture was planned and everyone loved it. Guess how old she is...SEVENTEEN.
American lunch. Happy Birthday America!
Fun fact-- a ton of people have these little pools in their yards. They are often the size of a king size mattress and only a few feet deep. Even the pools are different here!
After Starsi Lanham ran into a mirror.
We are all beautiful!
The bed. I switched to the other bed when transfers came around...It's tradition for the new sister to have this bed when she first comes in. ahahha.
That is my desk in the corner. Home Sweet Home!
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